In case you don’t remember God doing that thing. . .

I thought I’d check before reading any further in Blogging the Bible to see how much I really had forgotten. Unfortunately, this quiz is so silly, I think 86% is a rather poor showing. Oh well. Although I may not remember which book follows Colossians, I can spell Strom Thurmond’s name.

You know the Bible 86%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses – you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

via Pharyngula (of all places!)

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4 Responses to In case you don’t remember God doing that thing. . .

  1. Sciencesque says:

    Ha, ha…you know the bible better than me. I know the bible a mere 82%. Maybe if there were more religious billboards around, we would have scored better ;^)

  2. cicada says:

    Sadly, I fear no matter how many Bible billboards we’re exposed to, the insidious evo-devo gremlins will suck the knowledge out of us, replacing it with really annoying and nonintuitive abbreviations for genes. Oh well. ;)

  3. mdvlist says:

    Okay, so I had to take the stupid quiz, not only because I am a sucker for stupid quizes, but because I thought it would be amusing if it told me that I know the Bible less well than people who don’t go to church. (That would be so totally Catholic . . . .) I think we have to accept this quiz as a true measure of Biblical knowledge, however, since my score indicates that I know the Bible *93%*. At least well enough not to confuse the good Samaritan with Donald Trump, Donald Duck OR Don Knots. (Don’t these people know that only ONE option per question is supposed to be totally ridiculous????)

  4. rhett says:

    I also scored an 82%

    Reminds me of a fun joke. Who has the biggest backside in the Bible?

    Moses. He tied his ass to a tree and walked 40 miles. :P

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