Intellectual bloggers: my picks


Mo at Neurophilosophy nominated me for the Intellectual Blogger award. That is an honor, especially coming from Mo, who posts about twenty times as often as I do on twenty times as many subjects. And if you’ve ever had a conversation with him, you know he can talk extemporaneously about all that stuff too.

I just LOVE talking to interesting, smart, and yes, intellectual people, who make me think about things in unexpected ways. That’s part of why I love living in the city, and why I love the idea of this award. I note that many recent recipients of this honor are science bloggers; I hope no one minds if I instigate a little cross-pollination here and pass it on to some diverse artsy types. (After all, I’m at least half artsy myself!)

First up, one of my favorite blogs (and favorite people), Hungry Hyaena. Intellectual art and intellectual commentary. Perfect.

Heather at Cabinet of Wonders writes simply amazing posts on unpredictable topics–I was recently engaged in conversation about the Archimedes palimpsest, then saw the word palimpsest in a New Yorker, resolved to blog about “palimpsest,” and lo! she already has! That’s exactly why you should read her blog before you think of your own ideas. At least, I should.

I am fascinated by the frank commentary of art dealer Edward Winkleman. Don’t always agree with him, but I love a blog that makes me want to argue. I love anything that makes me argue.

I’m not completely sure I’m allowed to nominate Curious Expeditions because it’s written by two bloggers, D and M; but surely two participants doesn’t make it a “group blog”? (I can argue about that too if I must!)

Finally, for something completely different, you should visit The Name Inspector. If you like Language Log, you should love this.

The original post on the Intellectual Blogger Award includes a complete list of winners – an excellent idea, concentrating a variety of amazing blogs in one place. I already have too many to follow, but I did add a few more to my feeds. . . soon I will need to update my blogroll once more!

Incidentally, I release with goodwill all of my nominees from the obligation of listing five bloggers themselves, unless they wish to. Compulsory memes often go unfulfilled anyway.


About two months ago Drawing the MotMot tagged me as a Creative Blogger, with a nod to my “peculiar 19th Century Artist/Naturalist Steampunk sensibility” (which we share)! I never got around to choosing five more to spread the meme, because I was overwhelmed with moving and my new job. By now, I think many of my choices have already been nominated, and five links is probably enough for one post, but I wanted to thank DtM for the honor. (Besides, the bloggers I’ve listed above are Intellectual, Inspirational and Creative).

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