Greetings, readers! As you may have noticed, the most recent posts here date back several years. That’s because my posts from 2008-2011 were published at, where they remain. I do not know if the posts will continue to remain there, or if I will have to move them over here. I will keep you posted. No new content will appear at Scienceblogs either way.
Because it’s been a while since I did much around the old site, a few things still need to be spruced up – including the blogroll and design. I’ll work on that over the next few months, but I have a big project going on so I don’t think I’ll do much until December. Â Anyway, if your blog’s link is broken on here, I apologize; I need to update all of them.
Here is my last post at Scienceblogs:
A few weeks ago, I was notified that if I wished to continue blogging at Scienceblogs/National Geographic, I’d have to agree to new terms. After considering these terms, as well as the decision to ban pseudonymous blogging, I don’t feel that the new management and I are on the same page. I have therefore decided to leave Scienceblogs.
I’ve had to put BioE on hiatus a few times over the past few years anyway, as my career moves in a different direction, and the odds are that my posts will be infrequent in the future. So it’s as good a time to leave as any.
You can find me in the future at – BioE’s original home. I don’t know what will happen to my archive of posts here; I’d prefer they remain in place so as not to disturb the vast network of permalinks on the interwebz, but I don’t control that. If they are deleted, I’ll try to archive them elsewhere.
I hope it goes without saying that I wish success to Scienceblogs and the remaining staff and bloggers. I would like to thank them for providing BioE with a great community for three years.
I would also like to thank all of my readers/peers/ commenters/content-finders who kept this great conversation going. Remember what Dorothy Parker said: “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.”
Be curious, be fearless, and be well, my friends.